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четвъртък, 14 януари 2010 г.

Have you ever had one of those days at work where you just want to scream, "WHY AM I HERE? NO, REALLY! WHY AM I HERE?" Who hasn't?

Of course, you know why you're there. It's your job and you need to get paid to pay the bills. Okay and yes, you want to be productive in the world. Yet, isn't it funny how job frustration is rarely about the work itself? We're all pretty much trained to do what we do, so while the work can be challenging, it's never impossible. It's usually about the people ... the clashing agendas, the egos and the personalities. When others get involved, your quiet corner for creating and carrying out a simple, almost pleasant task becomes the intersection of monumental effort and pain. It's when that proverbial committee is supposed to be creating a horse, but squawks out a camel. That was my day today. When it was time to leave, I bolted. Finally, I had gotten the job done, even though my sanity was shaky.