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четвъртък, 31 декември 2009 г.


In an old notebook I recently found this paragraph, which I would like to underline.
"I work until late at night, concentrating on an internal conflict that I find impossible to resolve. I still hope to be able to produce something good; but I need to receive a few "brilliant ideas". If they don't come, I'll have to put the work off for longer. I imagine that this is what's going to happen, because it isn't really a question of a few "brilliant ideas".

The fact is that nothing in our state of mind is ever clear, and our painting suffers from this lack of certainty. Sometimes I feel that the meaning of my work is exclusively connected to the production of a painting; to its continuous references and modifications; to small discoveries, like rafts to which a shipwrecked man clings, and which then sink to the depths, taking with them lines, colours and pseudo-meanings.

четвъртък, 17 декември 2009 г.


Have you ever had one of those days at work where you just want to scream, "WHY AM I HERE? NO, REALLY! WHY AM I HERE?" Who hasn't?

Of course, you know why you're there. It's your job and you need to get paid to pay the bills. Okay and yes, you want to be productive in the world. Yet, isn't it funny how job frustration is rarely about the work itself? We're all pretty much trained to do what we do, so while the work can be challenging, it's never impossible. It's usually about the people ... the clashing agendas, the egos and the personalities. When others get involved, your quiet corner for creating and carrying out a simple, almost pleasant task becomes the intersection of monumental effort and pain. It's when that proverbial committee is supposed to be creating a horse, but squawks out a camel. That was my day today. When it was time to leave, I bolted. Finally, I had gotten the job done, even though my sanity was shaky.

In an old notebook I recently found this paragraph, which I would like to underline.
"I work until late at night, concentrating on an internal conflict that I find impossible to resolve. I still hope to be able to produce something good; but I need to receive a few "brilliant ideas". If they don't come, I'll have to put the work off for longer. I imagine that this is what's going to happen, because it isn't really a question of a few "brilliant ideas".

The fact is that nothing in our state of mind is ever clear, and our painting suffers from this lack of certainty. Sometimes I feel that the meaning of my work is exclusively connected to the production of a painting; to its continuous references and modifications; to small discoveries, like rafts to which a shipwrecked man clings, and which then sink to the depths, taking with them lines, colours and pseudo-meanings.

When you think of 20th Century Art , who first comes to your mind? Picasso, might be the first who comes to your mind? Well, what if i were to list a few names of the greatest figures of 20th-century art, such as: Bonnard, Brancusi, Braque, Dubuffet, Giacometti, Gris, Leger, Matisse and Picasso.Who would you remember first/most? What if i were to further drag your memory for a walk and asked you about a few more instances,like, when restorers attempted to clean, 'THE MONA LISA' and it was 'FEARED' that, if it gets 'DAMAGED',it would be a NATIONAL DISGRACE...;You remember that intent? Or,in (MADRID) in 1997 when Bilbao was to Bid for (Guernica) and it was said that ,'The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has touched a political and cultural nerve in Spain by announcing that it wants to borrow Pablo Picasso's Guernica from the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid to celebrate its opening'.Did you know it was originally titled 'The Horrors of War (after Goya's famous work)?

Lets touch your nerves,who are they? AS EXPECTED,THE BIENNIAL ASSESSMENT OF POWER IN THE ART WORLD RAISED A BUMPER CROP OF HACKLES: (quote)"Could i suggest that a much more interesting survey would be of "the 50 most knowledgeable people in the art world?" queried venerable British dealer Leslie Waddington. "I wonder how many of those who are listed as 'powerful' would get into that second category."(end quote); (quote), "All 50 of the most powerful people in the art world should be artists, " Opined David Ross,director of the Whitney Museum of American Art. "And quite frankly I'd be very happy with that state of affaire." (end quote);

"This tends to be about money," objected Robert Storr,curator of the department of painting and sculpture at New York's Museum of Modern Art. "The power of ideas is equally the power of economics." "I'll tell you who's powerful," declared New York dealer Andre Emmerich. "The different curators and directors who arrange the exhibitions. The museums have a lot to do with validating the latest fashion." All of these people,in their own way have a point.Which is why putting together a survey like this every two years or so can be both a challege an ordeal-but never a bore.Some in the art world were delighted to be on the list and to talk to us freely about new candidates,said (Ann Landi); While others were reluctant and didn't return calls including artists,who never cared about being in a 'who's who,' "some told ARTnews."But when spy magazine started doing a 'who's no longer whom' a few years back, those who didn't returned calls dreaded being listed."

Art in general is pretvoryavane sense of reality into artistic images. It has the ability to submit certain information to the viewer or listener through one of the forms of aesthetic perception and reproduction of the world. It is also a form of public awareness and part of the culture of mankind. Is the product of various human activities such as painting, graphics, music, cinematography, theater, ballet, opera, literature and more. Art is what you can tvorish. Tvorish means to create. In art, man creates its own worlds, poured his soul into work. But a true artist is the one who poured their feelings so that the viewer sees when work can feel the same.

For tvoretsa structure of art is something created by himself seems. And it deliberately, sometimes unknowingly, in an effort to opoznae reality elect those structures which satisfy his artistic task.

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Art lovers will find here an excellent selection with a variety of exquisite collectors' items. With detailed advice, even in the preparation and restoration is extremely competent and helpful staff of the gallery visitors.
Here you can enjoy the art without interruption and completely relaxed pursue their impressions.

Gallery of stylish modernism to contemporary pop art is represented, from landscape paintings by contemporary Yanko Vasilev. Throughout the year here, with exhibitions and art events constantly evolving paintings will be on the artist.

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget." With this thought, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, all the Happiest Holidays and all the luck the New Year could possibly bring to you

May the peace and joy of Christmas live in your heart all year long.